Don't fall victim to the "Achilles hill" of grants by applying for grant for a solution or market that doesn't need it or exist
The Achilles heel for any grant application is when you pitch your cool idea, new gadget or program where a market doesn’t exist for its use, like a football bat for example.
Sorry for the over simplification, but unfortunately there are a number of grant applications that cross my desk that look like EMS agencies are looking to offer a solution where a problem doesn’t exist or will only impact a few people i.e., travel funding, custom-fitted uniforms, etc.
A grant’s resulting product or service should fill an already established need.
So, if you are seeking grant funding, make sure that by funding your “ask” you will solve is an already established and well documented problem or will address a new but well founded cause.
And, the more people impacted by your grant funding, the better.
The most successful grant applications ask for monies that have been already earmarked for the cause you seek funding for, i.e., education, equipment, scholarships to conferences & trade shows, etc.
Before you even begin to consider a grant as a funding source, it is beneficial to do research to find out which government agencies, foundations or sources of funding are available, and which sources are most likely to want to solve the same issue you are interested in solving.
If you are able to find evidence that projects similar to the project that you’re considering delivered on its promised result, find out which grantors funded those projects (I.e., AED purchasing, specialized training courses, community relations projects, etc.), then locate that same type of grantor(s) for your application.
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