FEMA has announced the opening of the 2017 Assistance to Firefighters Grant application period
FEMA has announced that the 2017 application period for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant will open on Dec. 26, 2017 and close on Feb. 2, 2018, at 5 p.m. Along with this announcement, FEMA has released the Notice of Funding Opportunity , Get Ready Guide , Cost Share Calculator and other pertinent resources to assist in preparing a competitive application.
In addition, FEMA has announced the schedule for its 2017 Application Workshop Webinars . Participation in these webinars can provide a wealth of useful information for developing your application.
This year’s application will feature several changes to the equipment and PPE activities of the Operation and Safety portion of the grant. FEMA has made these changes and revisions to elicit a clearer understanding of why the applicant is requesting financial assistance for the request. If you are not cognizant of these changes, then you may find it difficult to accurately answer the questions in the Request Details section of your application.
Over the past few years, FEMA has developed an easy-to-understand matrix for those departments applying for an equipment project. The matrix can be found beginning on page 32 of the NOFO . The matrix indicates the type of basic equipment and what priority level it has within AFG.
Equipment either carries a high, medium or low priority. Because of funding restrictions, the emphasis is placed on high priority items.
The matrix also displays an age category. This category assigns an age value based on the equipment’s anticipated lifecycle. This category is utilized to compare like types of equipment in a similar age category.
For example, if you are requesting assistance to replace your five-year-old supply hose, you can study the matrix and see that hose replacement is a high-priority item. However, supply hose has a lifecycle of eight to 14 years. From this quick investigation, you can quickly determine that your five-year-old hose is outside of the eight to 14-year lifecycle and you will have a difficult time competing with other similar projects.
After determining the competitiveness of your project from the equipment matrix, you will next need to examine the reason for your request. In the past, there were three choices for your request. In 2017 there are five. They are ranked by priority as follows:
In a similar fashion, if you are contemplating a request for turnout gear, the reason for your request has been revised but it still carries the basic benchmark that FEMA will not consider replacing turnout gear if it is not more than 10 years old. These new purposes for FY 2017 are ranked by priority as follows:
If you are replacing turnout gear for any other reason, it is a low priority and stands little chance of being funded. Remember, even though these new definitions utilize the term “inoperable,” it does not mean that the item must be out of service. If you are wearing 14-year-old bunker gear that is tattered and torn, it falls within the boundaries of the term inoperable.
FEMA considers SCBA obsolete if it is a minimum of two NFPA cycles and 10 years of age or older from the date of manufacture. Requests for SCBA need to fall within the following priorities:
If you are replacing SCBA for any other reason, it is a low priority and stands little chance of being funded.
Remember to start your application early. There are no bonus points for submitting after 3 p.m. on Feb. 2. When completed, please get another set of eyes to look over your application.
Keep the following tips in mind to strengthen your application :
Finally, invest an hour or two of your life and take part in one of the webinars that FEMA is offering on the 2017 application. It is the best advice that I can give you. These sessions offer you the opportunity to hear an explanation of the application, details about eligible activities and up-to-date information directly from FEMA’s staff.
Happy holidays and please be safe.
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