Neb. FD adds new brush to fleet amid growing WUI

Funding for Lincoln Fire and Rescue's Ford F-550 came from a Cares Act federal grant

By Meghan O'Brien
Lincoln Journal Star

LINCOLN, Neb. — Lincoln Fire and Rescue officials on Tuesday unveiled a new vehicle with off-road capabilities, adding to the city's fleet of firefighting vehicles.

The vehicle is expected to be in service by the end of August once Lincoln Fire and Rescue crews have been trained and will replace a repurposed pickup at Station 10 in northwest Lincoln. The "brush rig" will be joining the station as Brush 10.

City of Lincoln Government/Facebook

Brush 10 is a Ford F-550 that is designed to drive through up to 20 inches of water and get firefighters to situations that are off-road or blocked by heavy water or snow. The truck features tools to clear roads as necessary, as well as the ability to spray in motion so firefighters can stay in the cab while fighting fires.

The 20,000-pound truck cost $241,146, and is equipped with 40-inch tires and a 400-gallon water tank. The funding for the vehicle was taken from an $8.4 million Cares Act federal grant that was given to Lincoln Fire and Rescue.

"As Lincoln continues to grow, we are experiencing a greater amount of urban wildland interface. This includes more than just rural properties, but green space areas in newer neighborhoods," said LFR Capt. Shane Cuttlers.

The truck's removable body will improve its lifespan as well, meaning savings for the city of Lincoln. More recently, the city in 2022 replaced aging vehicles with two new fire engines and an ambulance for $1.5 million.

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